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Location Archive: Paris

Photoquai 2011

Exhibition: September 09 – November 11, 2011 Following on from the first biennial, created in 2007, PHOTOQUAI 2011 is dedicated to non-western photography, and continues to pursue its original mission statement: showcasing artists whose work is little known in Europe. This is also a mission of unification, developing the exchanging of world views into a
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Location: France, Paris Type:

Itinerant @ Polka Galerie

Itinérances Exhibition: May 27 – June 30, 2011 Featured Artists: Daido Moriyama, Massimo Siragusa, Prune Nourry, and William Klein www.polkagalerie.com

Location: France, Paris Type:

Liberty. Equality. Fraternity. @ Polka Galerie

Liberty. Equality. Fraternity. Images by: Martha Camarillo, Marc Riboud, Marc Montméat, and Donata Wenders March 4 – May 21, 2011 Polka Galerie Cour de Venise 12, rue Saint-Gilles 75003, Paris www.polkagalerie.com

Location: Paris Type:

Larry Clark @ Museum of Modern Art Paris

Larry Clark “Kiss The Past Hello” October 8, 2010, to January 2, 2011 http://mam.paris.fr/fr/expositions/larry-clark

Location: Paris Type:

Polka Galerie

Location: Paris Type:

Ethan Levitas @ Polka Galerie

L’exposition “In Advance of a Broken Arm” du photographe Ethan Levitas est prolongée jusqu’au 4 septembre. Nous serons heureux de vous accueillir à cette occasion. L’équipe de Polka Polka Galerie 12, rue Saint-Gilles 75003, Paris du Mardi au Samedi, de 11h à 19h30 www.polkagalerie.com

Location: Paris Type:

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