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Location Archive: Berlin


Tom Jacobi: INTO THE LIGHT 11th of April to the 20th of May opening reception Thursday the 11th of April from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. “For almost two years Tom Jacobi traveled seven continents looking for archaic landscapes that are either dominated by their brightness or open up to the light in unrivaled moments.
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Location: Berlin, Germany Type:

CRAZY – Living with mental illness @ F³ – free space for photography

CRAZY – Living with mental illness works by Laia Abril (Spain), Nora Klein (Germany), Louis Quail (UK), Melissa Spitz (USA) and Phil Toledano (USA) February 15 – April 21, 2019 Opening: Thursday, February 14, 2019, 19:00 “In its award winning series The Epilogue the Spanish photographer Laia Abril tells the story of Robinson family, who
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Location: Berlin, Germany Type:

#womenphotographer Vol. I @ F³

#womenphotographer Vol. I December 6, 2018 – February 10, 2019 Opening: Wednesday, December 5 2018, 19:00 with works by Berenice Abbott, Merry Alpern, Diane Arbus, Elinor Carucci, Nan Goldin, Germaine Krull, Dorothea Lange, Vivian Maier, Inge Morath, Ruth Orkin, Rosemarie Pierer, Dayanita Singh, Annette von Keudell and Karin Székessy. “Women conquered the new medium of
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Location: Berlin, Germany Type:


NICK BRANDT: THIS EMPTY WORLD February 2019 “In This Empty World, photographer Nick Brandt addresses the escalating destruction of the natural world at the hands of humans, showing an earth where, overwhelmed by runaway development, there is no longer space for animals to survive. The people in the photos are also swept along by the
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Location: Berlin, California, England, Germany, London, Los Angeles, New York, New York City, United Kingdom, United States Type:

Gregor Sailer @ KEHRER GALERIE

Gregor Sailer: The Potemkin Village September 15 – November 17, 2018 Opening Friday September 14, 2018, from 7 to 9 pm. “In Russia Sailer found two Potemkin villages according to the classical concept, in which ruinous houses were hidden behind canvases with representative facades printed on them. But this body of work also shows less
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Location: Berlin, Germany Type:

The Moment is Eternity @ Collectors Room Berlin

The Moment is Eternity:Works from the Olbricht Collection 26. September 2018 – 01. April 2019 “Transience is one of the key themes of the Olbricht Collection. And what artistic medium other than photography could be better suited to addressing the questions of time and history that this theme throws up? Lending duration to the moment
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Location: Berlin, Germany Type:

Paul D’Amato, Pamela Littky, Dotan Saguy, Jay Wolke: »US Blues« @ KEHRER GALERIE

Paul D’Amato, Pamela Littky, Dotan Saguy, Jay Wolke: »US Blues« July 14 to September 8, 2018 Opening Friday July 13, 2018, from 7 to 9 pm “»US Blues« … unites four different insights into very diverse microcosms in the United States of America. The series are connected by a certain melancholic view on these social
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Location: Berlin, Germany Type:

Inka and Niclas @ Dorothée Nilsson Gallery

Inka and Niclas: 4K ULTRA HD April 27 – June 23, 2018 Opening: April 26, 2018, 6-9 pm “The solo exhibition 4K ULTRA HD of the Swedish artist duo Inka and Niclas deals with our consumption of landscapes through (camera-)lenses and screens. Our image of the landscape is formed by photography and nature is constructed
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Location: Berlin, Germany Type:

Marianne Wex @ Tanya Leighton

MARIANNE WEX: LET’S TAKE BACK OUR SPACE 11 JANUARY – 17 FEBRUARY 2018 “Originally a painter, inspired by both the figuration of Paula Modersohn-Becker and pop art, Wex’s research into body language led her gradually towards photography. Several years of gathering images in the streets of Hamburg in the mid-1970s produced a collection of more
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Location: Berlin, Germany Type:


Sitki Kosemen Retrace: Memory and Scenery October 13 – December 15, 2017 Opening, 13 October Friday, 6 pm. (with the presence of the artist) Kosemen in Retrace: Memory and Scenery examines the phenomenon of memory and the feeling of belonging activated in a certain space, and as part of the individual and collective construction of
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Location: Berlin, Germany Type:

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