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Location Archive: Modena


Location: Italy, Modena Type:

Taisuke Koyama @ METRONOM

  Taisuke Koyama: Rainbow Variations and Other Works October 12-November 30, 2013 METRONOM 142 G. Amendola, Modena, ITALY www.metronom.it  

Location: Italy, Modena Type:

3 Exhibitions @ Fondazione Fotografia Modena

Friday, September 13, at 19, at the former Ospedale Sant’Agostino inaugurate three exhibitions: Walter Chappell. Eternal Impermanence , retrospective dedicated to one of the most controversial characters in American photography of the twentieth century, whose work is provocative remained hidden for long. Modena and its Photographers 1870-1945 , an exhibition of seventy historical images, to
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Location: Italy, Modena Type:


RUTH VAN BEEK | ACCIDENTS FROM THE GREEN HOUSE May, 4th – June 29th, 2013 METRONOM 142, Viale G. Amendola, Modena IT www.metronom.it  

Location: Italy, Modena Type:


December 1, 2012 – January 26, 2013 wunderCAMERA Benedetta Alfieri, Elena Arzuffi, Olivo Barbieri, Michele Buda, Bruno Cattani, Martina Della Valle, Annabel Elgar, Guido Guidi, Giulio Paolini, Marco Signorini, Richard Sympson, Franco Vaccari, Paolo Ventura, Nicola Vinci. METRONOM 142 Viale G. Amendola 41125 Modena ITALY

Location: Italy, Modena Type:

EDWARD WESTON @ Fondazione Fotografia

EDWARD WESTON. A retrospective 14 September to 9 December 2012 Former St. Augustine Hospital, Modena INAUGURATION Friday, September 14, 2012, at 19 Fondazione Fotografia Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena Via Emilia Centro, 283 41121 Modena, Italia T +39 059 239888 F +39 059 4270357 E info@mostre.fondazione-crmo.it www.fondazionefotografia.it/it/

Location: Italy, Modena Type:

DAIDO MORIYAMA @ Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena

Daido Moriyama, Hippie Crime, 1970, courtesy the artist DAIDO MORIYAMA. THE WORLD THROUGH MY EYES 17th September – 14th November 2010 Ex Ospedale Sant’Agostino Largo Porta Sant’Agostino 228, Modena – Italy Opening 17th September 2010, 7.30 pm From Tuesday to Sunday, 11am – 7pm Entrance free Info Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena +39 335
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Location: Italy, Modena Type:

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