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Type Archive: Documentary

Book Review: A Place of Our Own by Iris Hassid

The Israeli territory is a region full of differences and contrasts which have always attracted the attention of Iris Hassid, a photographer from Tel Aviv who focuses her work on long-term projects related to identity, culture and the representation of a female viewpoint from different social backgrounds. In A Place of Our Own, Iris Hassid
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Book Review: Kicking Sawdust by Clayton Anderson

Thinking of the circus automatically makes me feel sawdust, smell the odour of animals and imagine people who are constantly on the road. In my youth, the ones travelling with the circus did spell freedom and independence for me – a romantic myth, of course. This book, however, “doesn’t try to paint a nostalgic fantasy,
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Interview with photographer Simon Móricz-Sabján

F-Stop Magazine: How did you first become involved in photography and what led to you working in this medium as an artist? Simon Móricz-Sabján: After finishing high school I wished to apply to the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest. I wished to become a cinematographer. In the year 1999 that course had
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Interview with photographer Emeke Obanor

Emeke Obanor is a Nigerian photographer whose series of portraits is featured in this month’s issue. His series “Heroes” is centered around a group of girls who were abducted by Boko Haram militants operating in northeast Nigeria. Some of these girls gained their freedom after the camps where they were held were raided by military
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Book Review: Project Cleansweep by Dara Mcgrath

Dara Mcgrath, an Irish photographer interested in the transitional lives of spaces (those places where a relationship is created between architecture, history, landscape, built environment; and a dialogue of absence rather than presence), took more than 8 years to bring to end this project. At the end of 2011 McGrath, through a newspaper article, discovered
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Interview with photographer Vladimir Sevrinovsky

  F-Stop Magazine: The Portfolio 2019 issue of F-Stop Magazine features your project “Whale hunters of Chukotka,” can you tell us about this project? What led to this work? Vladimir Sevrinovsky: I spent many years exploring different nations of Russia. Chukotka was always one of my primary destinations – Chukchi’s culture is legendary even among
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Interview with photographer Abhirup Dasgupta

F-Stop Magazine: How did you first become involved in photography and what led to you working in this medium as an artist? Abhirup Dasgupta: I have always been fascinated by the idea of the still image. As a child I remember my first exposure to photography was through family albums. There were a large number
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Book Review: I’ve Always Been a Cowboy in My Heart by Sandy Carson

Photo books that make me smile are rare. Sandy Carson’s “I’ve Always Been a Cowboy in My Heart” is one of them for this Scotsman has an eye for the absurdities of daily American life. He sees what most Americans probably do not really see – that the things they surround themselves with have often
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Book Review: New Path – A Window on Nenets Life by Alegra Ally

In 2016, documentary photographer and anthropologist Alegra Ally travelled to the Yamal Peninsula in the Russian Arctic to study and document the way of life of the indigenous Nentsy. For two months, and accompanied by Zalphira, an interpreter. “The Khudi family, whom I lived with, is one of 12,000 Nenets still migrating along the same
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Book Review: Homelands by Pieter de Vos

My interest in this book stems from a visit to South Africa in the early 1980s and the year that I spent there as a delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross, mostly in Kwazulu / Natal. So I have seen my share of South African townships. That was in the mid1990s, when
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