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Type Archive: Featured Photographer

Interview with artist Megan Magill by William Cox

William Cox: Describe your work for someone viewing it for the first time. Megan Magill: I collect objects and imagery because they resonate with me in a very personal way and I use them in my work to comment about, and at times criticize, the world around me. Although my outlook is outward, the way
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Interview with photographer Sheung Yiu

F-Stop Magazine: The current issue of F-Stop Magazine includes images from your project “(PHOTO)graphy”, can you tell us about this project? What led to this project? Sheung Yiu: A lot of the inspiration for the project comes from realizing how photography is ever evolving. How my experience with photography now is drastically different from the
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Interview with photographer Bailey Dale

Cary Benbow (CB): What compels you to make the images you create, and why are you drawn to your subjects? Bailey Dale (BD): At a young age I was drawn to photography and the many possibilities that came from the medium, however it wasn’t until I was exposed to the realm of photography as art
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Interview with photographer Robert Herrmann

Cary Benbow (CB): Why do you photograph, or what compels you to make the images you create? Robert Herrmann (RH): I am naturally driven to shape and light. I originally trained as an architect. Besides I have been taking photographs for my own pleasure for a long time. Since a couple of years, though, I
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Interview with photographer Kevin Faingnaert

  Cary Benbow (CB): How would you describe your work to someone viewing it for the first time? Kevin Faingnaert (KF): Social documentary combining portrait, landscapes and structures to tell in depth stories which are both analytical and emotional. I have a sensitive and aesthetic visual approach. CB: Why do you photograph? What compels you
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Interview with photographer Laura Konttinen

Cary Benbow (CB): What is your approach to photography or image-making as a visual artist? Laura Konttinen (LK): What drew me to photography was realizing what a clever double agent it is; a photograph pretends to be an invisible window into an objective past, but is of course a deliberate point of view and often not
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Interview with photographer Ekaterina Vasilyeva

F-Stop Magazine: How did you first become involved in photography and what led to you working in this medium as an artist? Ekaterina Vasilyeva: A serious interest in photography arose in 2009 during my two years of residence in the United States, in Alabama. Simple, amateur pictures of nature became unsatisfying to me. I often
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Interview with photographer Santolo Felaco

F-Stop Magazine: How did you first become involved in photography and what led to you working in this medium as an artist? Santolo Felaco: I became interested to photography casually. Photography for me is the most immediate and powerful medium to express my ideas. F-Stop: The “Telling Stories” issue of F-Stop Magazine includes images from
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Interview with photographer Ofir Barak

F-Stop Magazine: The “Where I Live” issue of F-Stop Magazine features your project “Mea Sharim”, can you tell us about this project? What led to this project? Ofir Barak: Mea Shearim was established in 1874 as the fifth settlement outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. Its name is derived from a verse
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Interview with photographer Jiaxi Yang

F-Stop Magazine: How did you first become involved in photography and what led to you working in this medium as an artist? Jiaxi Yang: I’ve been influenced by my boyfriend Zhe Zhu who is a truly talented and passionate photographer. And he is the one who encouraged me to start taking photographs with a camera.
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