I’m 23 years old. I’ve been photographing since I was 7. My photography is Documentary. And by this I don’t mean the kind of “documentary” where people use portable studio lighting kits and twenty rolls of film, but the kind where you only take one shot, and that’s the shot. It is a more classical approach; a decisive moment mentality.

My photography is of natural life; everyday people. In the same vein as Cartier-Bresson and Koudelka i feel that the moment is something so decisive that extreme manipulations/falsifications are not required. I don't place any intervention on my subjects, maybe exchange a few words, i don't tell them how to sit or stand, i just let them be.

The people in the photos are sometimes strangers sometimes close friends, either way they’ve touched my life at some point. These photographs were taken in Finland, New York, Texas, Wales, England, and Southern France. I’ll leave the viewer to decide which were taken where. To me they’re all memories, and that’s what my documentary photography work is really about anyway, my life and my memories.

Edward Thompson, England.