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Jose Alva & Sushma Mishra — Water


Many times, rather often, we miss that which is simple but beautiful and a must in our life. Jose and I have tried to express the beauty of water in its simplicity and brought together expressions in the water droplets which it tries to portray through its glistening surfaces.A frozen moment in time as a droplet of water splashes into a pool of water, capturing the beauty and chaos of motion. Each drop looks like a miniature world reflecting the surrounding trees and sky on its surface. Droplet photography reveals the hidden universe in the drop where tiny worlds of refracted images coalesce on different surfaces.


Jóse Alva is a professional photographer and videographer based in New York who specializes in commercial and documentary photography. He completed photography and advertising studies at Lautrec Institute and UPC University. His imagery places a strong emphasis on composition, significance, and substance. AlvaFocal.com contains his most recent works.

Sushma is a nature photographer with an unwavering commitment to conservation and believes that every photograph has the power to inspire change and a deeper connection to nature. She strives to raise awareness about the fragility of our ecosystem and urgent need for its protection. Her photography journey began when she started exploring wildlife in wilderness areas. She tries to capture the raw and untamed beauty in nature with an aim to tell a story with every click of the shutter. Her work is characterized by the vivid colors and patterns in nature that evoke a sense of wonder and awe. Over the years, her photographs have been featured in magazines and awarded in many online contests but she believes her greatest reward is knowing that her images have kindled a deeper appreciation for the wonders of nature in the hearts of others. She hopes to inspire a collective effort to protect and preserve our biodiversity through her lens.

Jose Alva - www.alvafocal.com
Sushma Mishra - instagram.com/sushmamishphotography