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Kamal Chawla & Lisa Pavlova — The Tale of Two Cities

The Tale of Two Cities

Lisa Pavlova and Kamal Chawla, hailing from different corners of the globe, stand worlds apart. They live on opposite sides of the world and pursue entirely different genres of photography. Lisa, with her background in psychology, delves into the rich stories and complex emotions concealed within portrait photography. Kamal is a humanitarian architect who focuses on capturing the essence of cultural landscapes and built environments. The only common thread between them is their urban existence, as they call the bustling metropolises of New York and Delhi home.

While New York and Delhi may appear to be two entirely distinct cities at first glance, a deeper exploration reveals an intricate tapestry of unexpected similarities. 'The Tale of Two Cities' sets out on a stimulating journey that draws intriguing parallels between these urban giants, utilizing a captivating blend of portrait and documentary style photography to illustrate their hidden narratives.


Kamal Chawla is a self-taught photographer from Delhi, India who has also been working as a humanitarian architect across South Asia for the past 15 years.For him, photography is a medium to observe and improve his understanding of the natural and the built environment, as well as to learn how people interact with and within them. Cities in general, and his hometown Delhi in particular, have always piqued his interest in learning how people from diverse backgrounds aspire to thrive together in contemporary times. Having a background in architecture and experience working with diverse communities living in vulnerable ecosystems, the photographic approach he has developed lies at the intersection of artistic and documentary styles. His interest areas include exploring and documenting the relationship between natural, cultural and built environments.

Lisa Pavlova, a NYC-based portrait photographer, blends art and psychology in her work. Originally from Eastern Europe, she has an art history background, contemporary photography experience, and a psychology PhD focusing on creativity and emotional intelligence. For Lisa, each shoot is a collaborative endeavor that centers on the subject's narrative. She employs minimalism and profound emotion to convey their story. Her portfolio includes collaborations with Broadway stars, renowned writers, major publishing houses, and creatives.

Lisa's journey began as a concert photographer, touring with musicians, before transitioning to fashion spreads for Vogue and Elle in Russia. Her work has graced international exhibitions, including Evidence 2022 (UK), LoosenArt’s Political Statement 2022 (Italy), and SUBCULTURE 2017 (Russia). In 2020, she earned a Creativepool Annual shortlisting. Despite her academic prowess, Lisa opted to pursue her photographic passion, emerging as an artist who delves into both the human spirit and the human psyche through her work.

Kamal Chawla - www.instagram.com/k.kamal.chawla
Lisa Pavlova - www.lisapavlova.com