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Katie Sikora & Robi Jaffrey

Decay in urban settings has been documented via photography for generations because it continues to serve as commentary on our relentless obsession with the new and the pristine. Neglecting the old leads to the loss of history, character, and valuable lessons embedded in our urban landscapes and the heritage held within them. We wanted to take our collaborative opportunity to showcase the decay in our own neighborhoods, Robi in New York and myself (Katie) in New Orleans, in cities with both a vibrant culture and a reputation for grime, dirt, and decay that lives ever present amongst the newest and brightest.


Katie graduated with a degree in Visual Journalism from the University of Miami and worked as a Photo Editor in Door County, Wisconsin, a Media Strategist in Chicago, and as an Archivist at The National World War II Museum in New Orleans before pivoting to freelance photography and journalism with heavy focuses on the environment and music. She is the creator of The Sexism Project, a portrait and interview series featuring stories from female-presenting music industry professionals and sex workers. In 2020, Katie received a grant from the Pulitzer Center to photograph the recovery from back-to-back Hurricanes Laura and Delta in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Katie is the Associate Photo Editor at ANTIGRAVITY Magazine, owns a wedding photography side business, and has home bases in New Orleans, Chicago, and northern Wisconsin.

Robi Jaffrey is a photographer based in the New York City area – he focuses on travel, street, and nature photography. He has a degree in Environmental Economics from Bates College and studied both film and digital photography by taking summer classes at the International Center of Photography in Manhattan. He spent 3 years living in Central America where he spearheaded photography and videography initiatives to fundraise for environmentally and culturally focused non-profits such as Mayan Families in Guatemala and the Cloud Forest School in Costa Rica. Carrying a camera gives him the courage to explore unknown locations; drawing him to cultures and landscapes that he would otherwise not have a chance to engage with.

Katie Sikora - katiesikora.com