featured artist

Bruno Pereira Ribeiro — The Grass Needs To Be Cut

The Grass Needs To Be Cut

The photographs presented here were taken in the northern interior of Portugal, across different seasons, during my repeated encounters with the deeply rooted tradition of “Chegas de Bois”. I found myself in the same situations, same spaces, but at different times, drawn to the bulls - symbols of the region and power - and the mountains.

While the bullfights are an important element, it is the broader context— tradition, social interactions, and the environment - that I find most interesting. This view provides a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the region’s unique cultural landscape.


Bruno Pereira Ribeiro, born in 1997 in northern Portugal, is a working photographer and director. He studied at Instituto Português da Fotografia (Portuguese Institute of Photography) from 2017-2019 and works since then for different agencies, production companies and clients. His work delves into the possibilities and limitations of visual storytelling, utilizing both mediums - photography and film - to explore and challenge the narrative power of images.

For more information:
Visit: www.brunopereiraribeiro.com
Read the interview with Bruno Pereira Ribeiro