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June 1, 2004

Issue #7: Portfolio ::: August

The seventh issue of f-stop will be a portfolio issue.


For the portfolio issue submissions should be a completed body of work of 10-20 images. Because of the size of the submissions the mailbox will get full quickly so if you cant get through wait and try again or email saying your having trouble.

Submit 10-20 images as jpegs at 72dpi, 600 pixels at most for the longest edge and not less than 330pixels for shortest edge, file size should not exceed 1M. Please be sure to clean up any dust or scratches before you send your files. You may also submit a url with directions for what images on the site you would like to have considered, please specify which images. Email: freemilkpress@yahoo.com Please include your name, where you are from, the titles for your photographs (please put titles IN the email not just as file names or on the html page), a breif artist statement, your email address and a url if you have one, even if you have submitted before. If you have any questions or have difficulty sending your images please email.

All entries should be received between June 1 and July 25 with an expected publication date of August 1.