about us

F-Stop Magazine is an online photography magazine featuring contemporary fine art & documentary photography from established and emerging photographers from around the world. Each issue has a theme or an idea that the unites the photographs to create a dynamic dialogue among the artists. Founded in 2003 and published online, bi-monthly.

  • Founder and Editor
  • Christy Karpinski

  • Contributing Writers
  • Cary Benbow
  • Walter Borghisani
  • Michael Ernest Sweet
  • Ricahrd Storm


To submit your work for consideration see the current guidelines: submission guidelines


All photographs on F-Stop are the sole property of their creators unless otherwise noted. No image on the site may be used in anyway without permission of the copyright owner. For photographer contact information see the contributors page.


Would you like to advertise on F-Stop? We are looking for photography related sponsors to help support the magazine. We have placements on the site an in our email newswletter. Contact us for rates.


If you would like to help support the costs of keeping F-Stop online please donate any amount using pay pal.

Call for Entries:

If you have a photography call for entries/applications, please email the following information and we will post it to our site as well as our Facebook

  • Name of organization
  • Name of the call for entry
  • Juror if there is one
  • Deadline
  • URL for more information
  • Optional - include Facebook   handle

Exhibitions Posts:

If you have a photography exhibition you would like F-Stop to post to the blog, please email the following information (as text in the body of the email instead of attached) and we will post it as soon as possible:

  • Name of exhibition & photographer/s
  • Exhibition Dates
  • Location of exhibition
  • 1 image that represents the exhibition - optimized for the web please & preferably without text on top of the image
  • Caption for the image file
  • Any other details or description

Contact F-STOP MAGAZINE at: fstopmagazine@gmail.com