F-Stop: the first four years
This book showcases the work of 15 photographers whose work was featured in F-Stop Magazine in the past four years. It includes the work of Tom Chambers, Jane Critchlow, Aline Smithson, Russell Joslin, Tim Carpenter, Barbara Rosenthal, Stephanie Dean, James Felder, Cathleen Megan Bryant, Chloe Potter, Christy Romanick, Debra Tomaszewski, Zev Robinson, Todd Deutsch, and Jessica Bruah.
It is currently available at: http://www.lulu.com/content/620816 and should be available through bookstores worldwide mid April.
If you are interested in purchasing a book directly from F-Stop Magazine for $21.50 plus shipping please contact us at fstopmagazine@gmail.com for details. All payments can be made via PayPal once your shipping costs have been determined.